I was finally able to get ZZWoof to crash repeatably on 68000 based system with MacsBug in place and track down where it was happening... I've rewritten the code there
to deal with the problem...
ZZWoof™ Beta 16 Release Notes
And so b15 begat b16...
Old two steps forward, one step back... While fixing one bug some code I added in b15 introduced a new one... Fixed... 'Nuff said...
ZZWoof™ Beta 15 Release Notes
Boy, do I feel dumb... Back around b9 or b10 I decided to consolidate some code and make various applications share more common code... Well, I consolidated the code that initializes the CTB managers right out of existence. Depending upon what you had ran previously, the phase of Venus relative to the moon and the current flood stage of the Mississippi at St. Louis, either nothing would *seem* to be wrong (and in some cases would indeed be alright) but subtle serial problems would be experienced later. In other cases ZZWoof would crash and burn, etc.
Now I don't claim that this is *the* fix, but it sure can't hurt!!!!
(Incidentally, I discovered this problem while working on a totally separate project... Go figure...)
ZZWoof™ Beta 14 Release Notes
Beta 14 takes care of a problem where if the message file was in a folder other than the one containing ZZWoof weren't getting ARC'ed and sent. I also made a change in the way the Session Dialog was being updated. The old way *may* have been the cause of some of the crashes that folks were experiencing.
Again, let me remind you that if ZZWoof crashes it really helps if you have MacsBug installed and can record the information described in the beta 9 section below. Without this information I am often left clueless as I can't recreate the crashes here...
If you need a copy of MacsBug it is available from my board at (703) 241-5492 in the Utilities files section as MacsBug 6.2.2.cpt.
ZZWoof™ Beta 13 Release Notes
I've just went through the code with an eye out for any further lurking memory problems and did turn up a couple things. So let's see how b13 behaves... If it isn't better I don't think I'm gonna have *any* hair left...
Also, I've changed the format of the manual to TeachText so there will be fewer problems reading it...
ZZWoof™ Beta 12 Release Notes
b12 fixes a problem that resulted in messages sometimes not being sent out. It also increases the acceptable size of a phone number string from 31 characters to 63...
ZZWoof™ Beta 11 Release Notes
Well, turns out it was at least a *little* my fault... I had a bug that would only manifest itself on some systems and not others depending strictly on the number of folders that had been created over time... (Talk about arcane problems!)
Well, not only does b11 fix that but it adds a *lot* of new features... Like automatic compression of outgoing packets using ARC (which all boss systems can decompress even if they use Zip for outgoing stuff. (Zipping will come along eventually...)).
Also, File Attaches are now supported from ZZWoof. Just set them up using MacWoof and ZZWoof will send the files as part of the session.
I hope that b11 is close to the final candidate for the release version of ZZWoof...
ZZWoof™ Beta 10 Release Notes
Beta 10?!?!? Well, maybe it's not *all* my fault. Just discovered that Apple found some bugs in some of the MPW I/O libraries that ZZWoof happens to use. While I can't say for sure that they were causing the problems that folks were having they sure can't have been helping! So I've recompiled/rebuilt ZZWoof using the new libraries.
ZZWoof™ Beta 9 Release Notes
I fixed a bug that was causing hardware handshaking to not operate properly during some ZedZap sessions. If you are experiencing crashes with ZZWoof can I ask you to do the following:
First, when you're beta testing you should have Macsbug 2.2 installed in your system folder so that you'll get more than the "Application ... unexpectedly quit" dialog.
Second, if ZZWoof does crash into Macsbug please do the following steps:
1. Note what the message that Macsbug is displaying which will usually be something like "Buss Error at GetDItem+$1A". Write down the information shown.
2. Next we want to get a dump of some information. Macsbug will, unless things are totally out to lunch, let you write a "log" of all the stuff you have it display. To do this, you need to enter LOG DaDisk:ZZWoofCrash and hit return. Of course, instead of "DaDisk" you need to supply the name of one your disk volumes.
3. Now enter SC6. This ask Macsbug to display what's on the stack. Sometimes there's more than what will fit on your screen. Macsbug will keep prompting you to hit <space> or Return until the listing is finished.
4. When the SC6 list is done, enter SC7 and hit return. Again hit <space> or return as necessary.
5. Now enter HC. This asks Macsbug to verify the state of the heap.
6. At this point enter LOG and return. This closes the logfile.
7. Now enter ES and return. This tells Macsbug to quit ZZWoof and go back to the finder. You will then see the "Application Quit" dialog.
8. Next, send me Netmail with first, a description of your system (processor, RAM, what version of the System, etc.) and the initial Macsbug display that you wrote down. Load in the ZZWoofCrash file into the message at this point and send the whole mess
to me at 1:109/342.365 and I'll take a look at it...
I know that this is a lot of steps and work to go through, but it's the only way to track down the more elusive and infrequent crashes. ZZWoof is unfortunately all too well behaved here in my development environment... <SIGH>
- Craig
ZZWoof™ Beta 8 Release Notes
I fixed the "running" average display during file receives so that things aren't 0 CPS and 0% anymore...
ZZWoof™ Beta 7 Release Notes
Beta 7 cleans a bug or two and adds more information to the dialog during mail sessions. Specifically there is now calculated and displayed information on file transfer speed in CPS and as a %. Note that the calculation may not be valid for very short files due to the resolution of the tickcount on the Mac. At the end of the transfer a "final" throughput calculation is displayed along with the file name until the next file transfer starts.
Some time back around beta 4 I introduced a bug in the way things got initialized that led to some crashing. Found the offending code and cleaned it out.
Writing to a "nil" handle will zap ya every time where and when ya least expect it - usually an indeterminate amount of time after you did the write! Thank goodness for Mr.Buss Error and Discipline...
(If you don't understand the above, don't worry about it... It's just technoprogrammerweeniebabble talk...)
ZZWoof™ Beta 6 Release Notes
Ok, here after a night's work, is a beta 6 with a fix for the crashes that some folks using Zipped mail were having...
ZZWoof™ Beta 5 Release Notes
I goofed! Beta 4 got out without the full fix! Beta 5 contains, besides the full fix that should have been in 4, a fix to a bug that messed up the names of "resumed" files after
they were received.
ZZWoof™ Beta 4 Release Notes
B4 has fixes for the problem that would cause earlier versions to wait "forever" trying to send a file or packet with some mailers. It also improves initial YooHoo handshaking with some types of mailers...
ZZWoof™ Beta 3 Release Notes
Version 1.0b3 of ZZWoof refines the ZedZap mailer code to handle some unusual
timeout conditions and to fix a bug in the cancel ZedZap session logic that caused
ZZWoof to send cancel characters forever... It also fixes the cosmetic bug of not
having bumped the beta level in the version resource!
Also, the use Hayes command set button has been dropped from the Boss setup dialog
as it was redundant. ZZWoof requires the use of a modem that uses the AT command
ZZWoof™ Beta 2 Release Notes
Version 1.0b2 of ZZWoof fixes an error that caused you to not to be able to change your communications settings from whatever you initially set. Thanks to Steve Chasin for catching this one!